
How to make lasagna!!

 How to make lasagna - January 27, 2021 Hi, are you ready to make lasagna  Ingredients:  1/2 whole onion, chopped  Garlic chopped 1/3 cup corn 1/3 cup green peas 1 jar of your favorite spaghetti sauce  1 jar Alfredo Sause I use a 24 oz jar Lasagna noodles (8 noodles) Parmesan cheese 2 cups mozzarella ch eese Materials Needed:   Large pot (for pasta)  Deep skillet (for sauce)  Casserole/baking dish  Lets make It ( parents required) First, boil or bake the Lasagna noodles Next in a skillet, add onion, corn, peas and cook add all the red spaghetti   Sause to the mixture, and stir after the noodles are boiled drain and let it cool Lair time! spread half off the mixture that you made on the bottom off the baking dish then lair 3 noodles on top of the mixture then add alfredo Sause on top of the noodles the add cheese repeat step that start from lair time pre heat the oven to 375 cook in oven for 30 mins

How to make Broccoli Mac & Cheese!!

 How to make Broccoli Mac & Cheese! - January 19, 2021 Hi, are you ready to make some Broccoli Mac & Cheese! Ingredients:  1 box pasta  Best options  Penne  Elbow  Rotini  Macaroni 1 cup Water 1/4 cup Flour Salt and pepper to taste 1 1/2 tbsp Unsalted butter  2 cups Milk  2 cups Sharp cheddar cheese - shredded   12oz broccoli florets  1/8 cup Grated parmesan cheese Materials Needed:   Large pot (for pasta)  Deep skillet (for sauce)  Casserole/baking dish  Lets Make It (Parents required) First, get a pot and add water, Pasta and broccoli and boil them together. Strain the pasta and broccoli and keep it a side. Then, Get a saucepan on medium heat and add butter and let it melt. Add flour, water, milk and stir. After a good stir let the mixture sit for 8 minutes till it gets dense. add cheese and seasoning, mix. add pasta with broccoli, and mix. set the oven to 375 pre heat. add Mac and Cheese into a baki

How to Make Hot Chocolate !!

How to Make Chocolatey Hot Chocolate! - December 18, 2020 Hi, are you ready to make some Hot Chocolate! Ingredients Creates 1 glass serving  1 tsp coca powder 1 tbsp + 1 tsp sugar 1 glass milk 1/8 cup coco chips  Marshmallows as topping ( optional )                                            Lets make it                                       ( Parents required)  First make the mix! Add coca powder, sugar, and coco chips in a bowl and stir. Then heat up 1 glass of milk. Last add the mix and stir until everything is dissolved. Pour hot chocolate into a glass and add marshmallows   enjoy!!

How to make No - Bake Cookies!!

 How to Make No - Bake Cookies  July 19, 2020  Hi, are you ready to make No - Bake Cookies   Ingredients 1 cup Sugar 1/4 cup Milk 1/2 Stick Butter ( 4 tbsp) 2 tbsp Coco Powder 1/2 cup Peanut Butter  1.5 cups Oats 1.5 tsp Vanilla Extract                                                                                     Lets Make It                                        ( parents required)  1. Bring the sugar, butter, milk, coco powder into a pot over medium heat.   2. Stir until combined.  3. Remove from heat and add oats, peanut butter, vanilla extract.  4. Stir.  5. Lay out butter paper on a tray.  6. Drop tsp of mixture on the butter paper.  7. Put it in the freezer and let it harden.  8. Enjoy!!

How to make Choco Chip Cookie!!

 How to make Choco Chip Cookie!!   July 17, 2020    Hi, are you ready to make some Choco Chip Cookie!!   Ingredients 6 tbsp Butter 1 tbsp Cream Cheese or Paneer 1/4 cup Brown Sugar 3/4 tsp Vanilla Extract 1/2 cup + 2 tbsp Flour 1/3 cup Choco Chips 1/2 tsp Baking Soda 1/8 tsp Salt                                           Lets Make It                                       ( parents required )  1. In a bowl beat butter and cream cheese or paneer.  2. Add sugar and beat until its fluffy.  3. Add vanilla extract and beat until combined.  4. In a separate bowl add flour, salt, baking soda. Mix.  5. Add flour mix to the butter mix and beat until doughy.  6. Chill the dough for 30 min uncovered in room temp.  7. Scoop the dough into balls, and space it evenly on butter sheet.  8. Pre heat the oven to 375*.  9. Bake the dough for 8 - 10 min until its golden brown. 10.  Let the cookies cool on the baking sheet fo r some time  before moving them. 11. Enjoy!!

How to make Strawberry Cloud Desert!!

 How to make Strawberry Cloud Desert!!   July 15, 2020   Hi, are you ready to make some Strawberry Cloud Desert!!   Ingredients 2 cups Fine cookie crumbs 1/2 cup Butter melted Big Packet Marshmallow 2 cup Milk 1 tsp Vanilla flavor 2 cup Chopped strawberry 2 cup Whipped cream Toppings                                       Lets make it                                    ( parents required)  1. Add butter to cookie crumbs. Stir.  2. Lay a layer of mixture in a pan.    3. freeze until it hardens.  4. In a pot add marshmallow and milk  5. Cook until its like a fluffy batter.  6. Cool the batter.  7. Add vanilla flavor and chopped strawberry and whipped cream to the batter. Stir.  8. takeout the cookie mixture  9. Pour the batter over the cookie mixture.  10. Freeze until it hardens.  11. Add toppings  12. Enjoy!!

How to make Vanilla Mug Cake!!

  How to make Vanilla Mug Cake!!  July 15, 2020  Hi, are you ready to make some Vanilla Mug Cake!!   Ingredients 1/4 cup All Purpose Flour 2 tbsp Sugar 1/4 tsp Baking Powder 2 tbsp Butter 3 tbsp Milk 1/2 tsp Vanilla Flavor Toppings                                          Lets make it                                       ( parents required)   1. Mix flour, sugar, butter, vanilla flavor, milk. Stir.      ( Add milk until the mixture is batter)  2. Pour the batter into a mug and microwave it for 1 min.    3. After done, check with a tooth pick if the cake is ready.  4.  If the cake is not ready do 30 more sec.  5. Add toppings.  6. Put it in the fridge.  7. Enjoy!!